
For Parents and Administration

Complete this form to be reimbursed for pre-approved expenses incurred for Nova PTO-sponsored events during the 2023-2024 school year. Forms and receipts may be placed in the Nova PTO mailbox in the main office. The last day for submission is May 24, 2024.

Classroom Supply/Project Grants for Teachers

Nova PTO recognizes that teachers spend money out of their own pockets for classroom needs, and we would like to help defray some of these costs.  Each Nova teacher is eligible to be reimbursed up to $100 per school year for items purchased for use in their classrooms. Eligible items include:
  • Classroom games, books, and supplies
  • Student incentive materials
  • Class celebration items
  • Other items for classroom and/or student use that are not eligible for reimbursement directly from Nova, such as magazine subscriptions or educational software (Smore, etc.) subscriptions
To apply, submit this form along with pictures of receipts. The last day for submission is May 24, 2024.